00:01 - 00:08 | FPS Gun Reload - Responsible for Animation (Maya)
00:09 - 00:14 | Dancing Robot - Responsible for Capture/Shoot, Data Cleanup (Shogun Live/Post), Animation Transfer to Rig, Animating
over Mocap Data (MotionBuilder), Modeling/Texturing and Rendering (Maya)
00:15 - 00:18 | Warden's Will: Shooter Walk/Run Cycle - Responsible for Rigging, Animation (Maya), State Machine & Blendspace Setup (UE5)
00:19 - 00:21 | Warden's Will: Howitzer Charge Up Attack - Responsible for Animation (Maya)
00:21 - 00:25 | Harbinger of Spring: Jump - Responsible for Animation (Maya)
00:26 - 00:27 | Rooftop Jump - Responsible for Capture/Shoot, Data Cleanup (Shogun Live/Post), Animation Transfer to Rig, Animating
over Mocap Data (MotionBuilder) and Rendering (Maya)
00:28 - 00:30 | UE5 Manny Stylized Run - Responsible for Animation (Unreal Engine 5)
00:31 - 00:34 | UE5 Manny Stylized Jump - Responsible for Animation (Unreal Engine 5)
00:35 - 00:40 | Warden's Will: Driller Aggressive Idle - Responsible for Animation (Maya)
00:41 - 00:46 | Dancing Robot - Responsible for Capture/Shoot, Data Cleanup (Shogun Live/Post), Animation Transfer to Rig, Animating
over Mocap Data (MotionBuilder), Modeling/Texturing and Rendering (Maya)

Pilot Rig
+ A character Rigged for the game In The Black by Impeller Studios